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活动清理和金币缩水,促进更健康的经济 | 封禁大赦

Warmane 社区的问候,

随着新的一年的到来,我们正在抓住机会进行活动清理,刷新我们的服务器并释放被遗忘的角色名。今年,清理将针对更广泛范围的角色等级,并同时实施 50% 的金币缩水,以促进更健康的经济。

活动清理和金币缩水将于 2024 年 2 月 27 日(服务器时间)进行和完成。预计停机时间将持续数小时。

  • 自 2023 年 1 月以来未登录过的 1 级及以上角色将其角色名被删除。
  • 角色将有机会在下次登录时选择一个新的名字。
  • 自 2023 年 7 月以来未登录过的 1 级至 50 级的角色将被删除。
  • 高级账户不受删除影响。
  • 被系统删除的担任公会会长角色, 将会导致公被解散



Onyxia 服将被排除在今年的缩水和清理之外。



Warmane 团队致以诚挚的问候。


Inactivity Cleanup and Gold Squish for a healthier economy | Ban amnesty

Greetings Warmane community,

With a new year now upon us, we’re taking the opportunity to do an inactivity cleanup that will refresh our realms and free up forgotten names, the cleanup will target a wider range of character levels this year, we will also conclude a 50% gold squish at the same time to promote a healthier economy.

The inactivity cleanup and gold squish will be conducted and completed on February 27, 2024

. Downtime is expected to be multiple hours.

  • Level 1 and above characters that have not been played since January 2023 will have their names removed.
    • Characters will have the opportunity to choose a new name upon the next login.
  • Level 1 – 50 characters that have not been played since July 2023 will be removed.
    • Premium accounts are exempt from removals.
    • Characters that are guild masters will result in the guild being removed.

Characters that have their name removed will have the opportunity to select a new name upon the next login.

The gold squish means that every piece of gold that exists in circulation, be it in the character’s inventory, mailbox, guild bank, website trading system or otherwise, will be simply halved. Exactly as it was done last year too.Onyxia will be excluded from this year’s squish and cleanup.
On the same date, we will proceed with an amnesty for banned users. This will mostly involve users who have been banned already for a long time.

Conditions for the amnesty will not be made public, the staff has specified several internal requirements for users to be unbanned and we will make sure that the amnesty will not involve any significant rule-breakers or any recent banned players.

Kind regards

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 cnreunion@ 于2024-02-12发表,共计2051字。
转载说明:本站文章皆由CN reunion公会(Q群:714560042)发布,转载请注明出处。